Process for an Internship in Canada


Program steps

Our Canadian internship process offers comprehensive support to facilitate every stage of your project, from finding an internship to obtaining your visa, for a smooth and memorable internship experience.

Our step-by-step program will enable you to quickly find internship opportunities tailored to your needs and professional goals , for a rewarding and successful internship experience.Sign up to join the EIC network!

Before you arrive in Canada

Below, you can follow all the stages of the EIC programme in chronological order.

For remote learning placements, please visit this page.

During your internship in Canada

Below, you can follow all the stages of the EIC programme in chronological order.

Fore more information, visit the page describing our internships in Canada.

After your internship in Canada

Below, you can follow all the stages of the EIC programme in chronological order.

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Now the choice is yours! »